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YANGPING- Rehab Chair, Wheelchair,Multifunction Child Wheelchairs 26Kg Ergonomic Advanced Comfortable Armrest Adjustable Backs Legs 100Kg Load Bearing 36 36Cm Seat Manual Wheelchair BMZDDDLY-1

◆Backrest Adjustment Handle, Comfortable Cushion, Seat Cushion, Comfortable and Environmentally Friendly Armrest Pad.
◆Adjustable Protection Pad, All-Round Protection, Adjustable Height Pedals, Lings and Footrests.
◆Upgrade the Double Shock Absorber to Safely Carry 100Kg. an Important Accessory to Protect the User from the Danger of Wheelchair Vibration During Exercise. Price: $1,716.36 (as of 15/10/2024 07:58 PST- Details)

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★We are a manufacturer specializing in the sale of wheelchairs. Our wheelchairs have a variety of styles and functions to meet any of your needs. Electric wheelchairs will send the battery and the wheelchair separately. You will receive two packages by then, please be aware , Charger, we will match your country’s voltage to ensure your safe and normal use, and welcome your purchase! If you have any questions, please contact us via email!
Welcome to Buy Our Products!We Hope to Bring You a Good Shopping Experience!
Product Information
Seat Height: 53Cm
Seat Depth: 36Cm
Seat Width: 36Cm
Total Height: 93Cm
Total Length: 104Cm
Total Width: 55Cm
Backrest Height: 39Cm (Plus Pillow 65Cm)
Folding Width: 30Cm
Front Wheel Diameter: 15Cm
Bearing Capacity: 100Kg
Rear Wheel Diameter: 38Cm
Net Weight: 26Kg
Gross Weight: 28Kg
Back Cushion
Height Adjustable Pedal
Foot Plate
Solid Front Wheel
Backrest Adjustment Handle
Armrest Pad
Solid Rear Wheel
If You Have Any Questions, Please Contact Us in Time, We Will Give You a Satisfactory Answer Within 24 Hours.
The products of our store will be carefully selected before delivery and then delivered to you.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We will usually reply to any message you send within 3 hours or no more than 8 hours., pub-2494375772180737, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

◆Backrest Adjustment Handle, Comfortable Cushion, Seat Cushion, Comfortable and Environmentally Friendly Armrest Pad.
◆Adjustable Protection Pad, All-Round Protection, Adjustable Height Pedals, Lings and Footrests.
◆Upgrade the Double Shock Absorber to Safely Carry 100Kg. an Important Accessory to Protect the User from the Danger of Wheelchair Vibration During Exercise.
◆Solid Universal Front Wheel, Pvc Solid Tires Front Wheel, Safe Wear-Resistant Shock Absorption and Comfortable. the Rear Push Handle, after the User is Exhausted, the Caregiver Helps.
◆Carefully Selected Wheelchairs for Children., pub-2494375772180737, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-2494375772180737, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Specification: YANGPING- Rehab Chair, Wheelchair,Multifunction Child Wheelchairs 26Kg Ergonomic Advanced Comfortable Armrest Adjustable Backs Legs 100Kg Load Bearing 36 36Cm Seat Manual Wheelchair BMZDDDLY-1


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YANGPING- Rehab Chair, Wheelchair,Multifunction Child Wheelchairs 26Kg Ergonomic Advanced Comfortable Armrest Adjustable Backs Legs 100Kg Load Bearing 36 36Cm Seat Manual Wheelchair BMZDDDLY-1
YANGPING- Rehab Chair, Wheelchair,Multifunction Child Wheelchairs 26Kg Ergonomic Advanced Comfortable Armrest Adjustable Backs Legs 100Kg Load Bearing 36 36Cm Seat Manual Wheelchair BMZDDDLY-1 Price: $1,716.36 (as of 15/10/2024 07:58 PST- Details)

The Moving Mountains