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- 6%

VEVOR Wheelchair, Aluminum Alloy Ultra-Lightweight Transport Chair for Adults, Foldable Wheelchair with Flip-Back Desk-Length Arms, Self-Locking Brake, 18-Inch Wide Seat, 220lbs Weight Capacity

21.4 lbs Super Lightweight: Weighing only 21.4 lbs, this wheelchair offers effortless and comfortable travel. Featuring a one-touch folding design for simple and quick operation, it allows you to enjoy barrier-free journeys anytime, anywhere. When folded, its compact size fits easily into car trunks, adding convenience and comfort to your travels.
Self-Locking Brakes: Equipped with self-locking brakes to prevent accidental movement and ensure safety. The flip-up armrests facilitate easy boarding and exiting, while the 11-inch lever provides comfortable operation. The braking system is straightforward—lift the crossbar to brake and release by pulling the red ball to the right.
Solid Tires: Puncture-proof shock-absorbing tires with a large diameter enhance wheelchair propulsion efficiency. Solid PU tires eliminate the risk of punctures and provide excellent traction with deep tread patterns to prevent slipping, ensuring smooth handling on various terrains. Price:  Original price was: $249.99.Current price is: $234.99. (as of 15/10/2024 08:11 PST- Details)

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21.4 lbs Super Lightweight: Weighing only 21.4 lbs, this wheelchair offers effortless and comfortable travel. Featuring a one-touch folding design for simple and quick operation, it allows you to enjoy barrier-free journeys anytime, anywhere. When folded, its compact size fits easily into car trunks, adding convenience and comfort to your travels.
Self-Locking Brakes: Equipped with self-locking brakes to prevent accidental movement and ensure safety. The flip-up armrests facilitate easy boarding and exiting, while the 11-inch lever provides comfortable operation. The braking system is straightforward—lift the crossbar to brake and release by pulling the red ball to the right.
Solid Tires: Puncture-proof shock-absorbing tires with a large diameter enhance wheelchair propulsion efficiency. Solid PU tires eliminate the risk of punctures and provide excellent traction with deep tread patterns to prevent slipping, ensuring smooth handling on various terrains.
220lbs Weight Capacity: This wheelchair supports up to 220lbs with a spacious 18-inch wide seat, accommodating various body types. Its sturdy aluminum alloy frame is reliable and resistant to deformation, ensuring stable load-bearing capacity.
Easy Installation: Designed for easy assembly with pre-installed components, making assembly quick and hassle-free. Just follow a few simple steps to complete assembly conveniently., pub-2494375772180737, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-2494375772180737, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-2494375772180737, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Specification: VEVOR Wheelchair, Aluminum Alloy Ultra-Lightweight Transport Chair for Adults, Foldable Wheelchair with Flip-Back Desk-Length Arms, Self-Locking Brake, 18-Inch Wide Seat, 220lbs Weight Capacity


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VEVOR Wheelchair, Aluminum Alloy Ultra-Lightweight Transport Chair for Adults, Foldable Wheelchair with Flip-Back Desk-Length Arms, Self-Locking Brake, 18-Inch Wide Seat, 220lbs Weight Capacity
VEVOR Wheelchair, Aluminum Alloy Ultra-Lightweight Transport Chair for Adults, Foldable Wheelchair with Flip-Back Desk-Length Arms, Self-Locking Brake, 18-Inch Wide Seat, 220lbs Weight Capacity Price:  Original price was: $249.99.Current price is: $234.99. (as of 15/10/2024 08:11 PST- Details)

The Moving Mountains