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Drive Medical EXP19LTRD Lightweight Expedition Folding Transport Wheelchair with Hand Brakes, Ultra Lightweight Transport Chair for Seniors and Adults, Red

Lightweight Folding Wheelchair: Easy-to-use and collapsible, our lightweight folding transport chair offers a strong aluminum frame and durable material that supports up to 300 pounds; these ultralight transport wheelchairs also feature padded armrests and fold-down footrests for comfortable and dependable support.Handle type : Push Handles.
Large Wheels: Rolling wheelchair features solid, 12-inch rear wheels to make pushing a breeze; curb assist next to wheels allows users to gently lift the transport chair’s front wheels over bumps
Locking Hand Brakes: Companion-activated loop lock hand brakes keep the rider safe; just push down to lock the rear wheels in place — no bending required Price: $147.99 (as of 15/10/2024 08:46 PST- Details)

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Drive Medical’s lightweight transport chair weighs just 19 pounds, yet is expertly designed to ensure safety and support up to 300 pounds. Featuring 12-inch rear tires that can navigate both indoor and outdoor terrain, the aluminum Expedition transport wheelchair is versatile and reliable. It folds like a conventional folding chair and comes standard with fold-down footrests for added convenience and comfort. Companion-activated wheel locks under the handles and seat belt ensure safety, while a simple lever on the chair back allows for quick, flat transport and storage. A great choice for anyone looking for portable lightweight wheelchairs for travel or everyday transport. Backed by a limited lifetime warranty from Drive Medical, a leading brand of mobility aids and other medical goods for more than 20 years, you can purchase with confidence., pub-2494375772180737, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Lightweight Folding Wheelchair: Easy-to-use and collapsible, our lightweight folding transport chair offers a strong aluminum frame and durable material that supports up to 300 pounds; these ultralight transport wheelchairs also feature padded armrests and fold-down footrests for comfortable and dependable support.Handle type : Push Handles.
Large Wheels: Rolling wheelchair features solid, 12-inch rear wheels to make pushing a breeze; curb assist next to wheels allows users to gently lift the transport chair’s front wheels over bumps
Locking Hand Brakes: Companion-activated loop lock hand brakes keep the rider safe; just push down to lock the rear wheels in place — no bending required
Portable and Easy to Store: A handy lever on the back of the foldable wheelchair makes it convenient to fold back down; at just 19 lbs, transport chair is easier to lift than a traditional wheelchair making it a great travel wheelchair for adults
Dimensions: folded: 38 inches in height x 10.75 inches in width; seat: 19 inches in width x 16 inches in depth; armrest: 8 inches in height; weight capacity: 300 lbs, pub-2494375772180737, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-2494375772180737, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Specification: Drive Medical EXP19LTRD Lightweight Expedition Folding Transport Wheelchair with Hand Brakes, Ultra Lightweight Transport Chair for Seniors and Adults, Red


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Drive Medical EXP19LTRD Lightweight Expedition Folding Transport Wheelchair with Hand Brakes, Ultra Lightweight Transport Chair for Seniors and Adults, Red
Drive Medical EXP19LTRD Lightweight Expedition Folding Transport Wheelchair with Hand Brakes, Ultra Lightweight Transport Chair for Seniors and Adults, Red Price: $147.99 (as of 15/10/2024 08:46 PST- Details)

The Moving Mountains