Why People Reject People with Disabilities

It always comes down to what you do with what you have. People with disabilities have not always had the same opportunities as everyone else in society. This is because for a long time society didn’t even recognize its disability community. Just look at how people refer to someone with a disability. They often refer to someone with a disability as being “handicapped.” The term “handicap” refers to someone who stands on street corners with their cap in hand asking for money and was coined to refer to someone standing on street corners with their cap in hand asking for money in the early part of the 20th Century.

The truth is that people with disabilities, when given the opportunity, can compete on an equal playing field with everyone else. in 1977, The Individual Disability Education Act, (IDEA), became law and for the first time people with disabilities were guaranteed the right to an education up to the age of 21. Then in 1990, the Americans With Disabilities Act became law to make sure people with disabilities had equal opportunity when it comes to employment.
A very common injury that can cause you to become unable to work, is a back injury. And back injuries can happen simply by moving furniture, working in a garden, or fixing a leak in your roof.
Other people become unable to work due to an illness or the onset of a disease: Like diabetes, stroke, or heart attack. And even pregnancy can cause some females to become unable to work: If the pregnancy develops other complications that require the woman to stay in bed, she is unable to work. This Can Happen to You Too.

Unfortunately, people often assume that just because they’re healthy, they can’t become disabled. And that’s simply not true. Accidents happen. So being healthy doesn’t usually have anything to do with whether you become disabled.

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